Survey Programming

Today’s business questions require custom solutions and partners who understand your research needs.
InnovateMR offers end-to-end programming and data collection services so you can focus on what’s important: delivering insights to your clients.
We Do the Heavy Lifting
Our services include programming, coding, hosting, translation, managing other vendors, and more. InnovateMR’s programming team is proficient at executing conjoints, MaxDiffs, longitudinal, and multi-country projects. Stop juggling multiple providers and let InnovateMR do the heavy lifting.
Faster Answers™

Device optimization, coupled with an engaging respondent experience, means faster fielding turn-around.

  • 24/7 Coverage
  • Reuse existing survey templates to save time and gain efficiency
  • Control of the data – we offer real-time cleaning and access to in-field reporting so you can monitor your project closely.
We Take Care of the Details

InnovateMR follows mature, proven quality processes with close collaboration between project managers and programmers. Our detail-oriented quality assurance team means you can feel confident that your survey is in good hands.

Cutting-Edge Analytics

Up-to-the-minute reporting and analytics allow you to build your story in real-time, chapter by chapter. See all your sample reporting by securely logging in to our user-friendly interface or ask your program manager, and we’ll compile the data for you. Using cloud-based analytics, you and your clients can make decisions faster.

  • Fully customizable crosstabs
  • Executive summary support
  • All major data file export formats (e.g., SPSS, Excel, Quantum, SAS)
Real People. Quality Data. Faster Answers.TM